Communication Management (CCM) Plays a Critical Role in Communications

In today’s digital environment, Customer Communication Management (CCM) is crucial for effective and transparent customer interactions. Companies need to juggle multiple communication channels while ensuring each message aligns with company regulations and policies. A robust CCM platform should include template management, automated content creation, and seamless integration with existing business systems.

This is where a certified electronic delivery service comes into play. Electronic Registered Delivery Services (ERDS) enhance the effectiveness of your sent communications. With an ERDS, companies can add legal value to your transmissions by ensuring a secure, traceable, and regulation-compliant exchange of data.

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Customer Communications: The Challenges of Effectiveness and Transparency

Effective communication and transparency are vital for business success, especially in industries like utilities and banking where customer relationships are key. Also here, regulatory compliance is a sensitive issue that requires careful attention.

Today, a company’s reputation heavily influences customer choices and brand loyalty. Ignoring compliance issues can jeopardize both reputation and legal standing. Fortunately, there are powerful tools available to help manage compliance and improve communications.

Certified Electronic Delivery Services: What They Are and the Benefits They Offer

Electronic Registered Delivery Services (ERDS), governed by the European eIDAS regulation, allow for secure data transmission between parties, providing proof of sending and receiving. These services protect data from loss, theft, damage, or unauthorized modification, ensuring that communications are enforceable against third parties.

There are two types of these services

  1. Electronic Registered Delivery Services (ERDS)
  2. Qualified Electronic Registered Delivery Services (QERDS)

The advantages of the ERDS

  • Certify message transmission and enforceability to third parties: QERDS guarantees the legal validity of communications sent via email and SMS
  • Time savings: Automate sending processes, eliminating manual tasks
  • Reduced emissions: Eliminate paper waste and unnecessary handling, which supports sustainability and environmental reporting initiatives
  • Increased efficiency: Manage communication flows transparently and efficiently.

QERDS: Features and Benefits

Qualified Electronic Registered Delivery Services (QERDS) have specific requirements under the eIDAS regulation, including:

  • Provided by Qualified Trusted Service Providers: Ensures high security and reliability standards
  • Sender and Recipient Identification: Ensures secure identification of both parties involved in the communication
  • Advanced Electronic Signature or Electronic Seal: The sending and receiving of data are protected by an advanced electronic signature or advanced electronic seal, preventing undetectable changes to the data
  • Qualified Time Validation: Tracks the date and time of sending and receiving, and any changes, with qualified electronic time validation
  • These features make QERDS essential for high-security and legally certain communications, especially in the financial and legal sectors.

The Opportunities for Integration with CCM

Companies implementing certified electronic delivery services can enjoy cost savings and efficiency boosts. Using Doxee’s electronic delivery services, companies can create a multi-channel experience with tools like certified emails and certified SMS that confirm delivery, or e-Recapito, which certifies that a document has been opened.

Modern CCM and CXM platforms like the Doxee Platform can enrich the evidentiary value of certified digital communications like ERDS. They offer clearer communications and a better customer experience through interactive formats and personalized micro-sites or videos.

  • Doxee Pweb: Personalized micro-sites improve the customer experience for clients in utilities, telecommunications, banking, and insurance. These interactive sites ensure clear, transparent, and regulatory-compliant communication.
  • Doxee Pvideo: Personalized videos adapt to target audience profiles, improving the clarity and transparency of communications.

This integration simplifies the management of CCM processes, boosting customer engagement and retention. With Pweb and Pvideo, the multichannel functionality—including PDFs and text messages—enables companies to reach customers in the most effective and convenient ways.

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