What we do for the environment
Thanks to the push toward digitization and dematerialization supported by our products, we can generate profit and commit to customer success by disincentivizing the wasteful use of paper and contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions.
For our customers we have provided Hyperion, which is a measurement system that estimates the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere as a result of adopting Doxee’s products to support digital transformation. This tool uses internationally recognized estimates to provide useful insights to customers who want to understand the positive impact of the project they are developing with Doxee specialists or that has already been completed and to which additional components could be introduced to help them reduce their carbon foot even further.

Certification ISO14001:2015
By adopting the best possible practices and implementing an Environmental Management System, Doxee obtained ISO14001:2015 Certification at its Modena headquarters and at its offices in Milan, Italy, at Via Caldera 21, which hosts the Doxee Platform® cloud platform.
Environmental Objectives
Specific environmental objectives have been defined that testify to the management’s focus on environmental protection issues:
Smart Working

Extended to reconcile work-life balance, regardless of the health emergency situation
New Spaces

Renovated Modena office layout to improve usability and energy efficiency

Training initiatives for employees to raise awareness of environmental issues
Choice of Suppliers

Giving preference to suppliers and partners who comply with environmental criteria and improve their environmental performance
Renewable Sources

Provision of electricity generated from 100% renewable sources with a Guarantee of Origin to power Doxee offices
CO2 Reduction