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Customer Communication Management: Why Choose a Unified CCM Platform

Overview of the CCM market in 2023

The global market for CCM solutions has grown considerably, and this growth is expected to continue into the future. A recent report values the market for CCM solutions at 1.9 billion USD in 2022, and it is expected to reach 4.6 billion USD by 2030 (Research&Markets).

The importance of a unified CCM platform

Not implementing a unified Customer Communication Management (CCM) platform may expose your business to certain risks. These range from operational inefficiencies to non-compliance with regulations, fragmented IT processes, data silos, and the inability to create a consistent, coherent customer experience. All the above can compromise not only the reputation, but also the profitability of your business.

Key requirements for an effective CCM platform: Seamless integration with corporate systems.

In the Tech Research Institute’s 2023 survey of 500 companies, 78% of respondents identified ease of integration with existing systems as the most critical factor in their choice of a CCM platform.

How to maximum return on investment with CCM: an analysis run by Financial Insights in 2024 indicates that businesses that invest in well-structured, integrated CCM can obtain as much as 40% ROI.

Improving the customer experience with personalised communications: in a Customer Insights Group analysis published in 2022, 92% of respondents acknowledged that improving the customer experience is key to their business success.

Environmental benefits of digital CCM solutions

A 2021 report from the Environmental Sustainability Association concluded that the adoption of digital CCM solutions can reduce CO2 emissions from printed communications by as much as 60%.

Personalisation and videos: the future of customer communication

A Video Marketing Insights report, published in 2023, indicates that videos have an 80% higher engagement rate than conventional communications like emails.

Digitalisation and corporate sustainability: substituting digital CCM solutions for printed communications not only reduces a business’s environmental footprint, but also plays a key role in the process of digital transformation.


Adopting an effective CCM platform is key to operational efficiency, improved customer experience and corporate sustainability.

By thoroughly assessing their requirements and selecting the best CCM solution for their needs, companies can boost their competitivity in the modern digital market and face upcoming challenges with confidence. Investing in a CCM platform is not just a matter of keeping up with emerging technologies, but a key strategy for long-term success. An effective CCM platform enables decision makers to maximise their operational efficiency, boost customer satisfaction and actively contribute to environmental sustainability, thus guiding the company towards growth and success. “Discover how Doxee Platform® can help you achieve your objectives by simplifying all your content creation, management and distribution processes, and elevate your customer communication strategy to new heights. Request a free demo now.”

Discover how Doxee Platform® can help you achieve your goals by simplifying the processes of creating, managing, and distributing all your business communications, thus elevating your customer communication strategy to new levels of success.

Request a free demo now.

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