Insurance policy generation: how to improve it by simplifying the application map Against a backdrop of unstoppable digitization, the increasing complexity of application maps has become one of the main […]
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Creating and developing a B2B customer experience strategy may seem simple, but it can be difficult if you’re not working with the right partner. Doxee Pvideo® personalized videos have the […]
Updated on 09/01/2023 Predictive analytics tools in the utility industry The Churn rate in the market of water, electricity and gas suppliers is constantly – and dangerous – increasing. The […]
Updated on 05/12/2022 Innovating in content-based digital communication tools is not easy, and even more so in an industry such as insurance where there is increased competition for the online […]
Marketing departments are collecting and working with more data than ever before and new technologies are making that data ever more accessible and useful for insight and decision making. This means […]