Doxee serves the banking industry with a platform and products based on innovative technology. Discover how our customers are transforming their way of communicating, optimizing their communication processes, and offering an effective and engaging Digital Customer Experience.

Main clients

A new way to communicate: the digital revolution in the banking sector
Business models in the banking sector, as in many other sectors, are changing rapidly as a result of digital transformation. This has resulted in a reduction in branch locations and also affects the relationship between banks and their customers. It is essential for banking institutions to make communication processes more efficient by leveraging digital technologies in order to reduce costs and to promote the digitization of the entire organization. In this context, new digital technologies are establishing themselves as excellent tools that can help banks structure communication, with the aim of consolidating and developing relations with their
customers and the markets they serve, while making customer communication processes increasingly efficient and scalable. New business models require new channels and new methods of communication. For nearly 20 years, Doxee has been supporting banks and banking institutions along the path of digital transformation, offering them cutting-edge communication technologies and the wealth of Doxee’s experience in digital communication. Our products are used every day by dozens of banking institutions to communicate with millions of customers in a way that is transparent, effective, and engaging.
Transformation of the savings account: the case of Poste Italiane
The digitization of the savings account is a typical example of innovation for a traditional banking product. In the age of digital communication, product innovation alone is not enough. It is equally important to develop coherent, innovative, and personalized communication that uses digital channels to reach new customers. Discover how Poste Italiane has embraced the digital revolution and innovated its way of communicating.