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Doxee and Postel awarded INPS tender for the provision of personalized and interactive videos



Doxee and Postel awarded INPS tender. In July the signing of the framework agreement until 2026 for the development of personalized and interactive videos based on technology Doxee Pvideo®

Doxee (DOX: IM), a leading high-tech multinational company offering products in the areas of Customer Communications Management (CCM), Digital Customer Experience, and Paperless, announces that it has been awarded in in a Temporary Grouping of Companies (“RTI”) together with Postel S.p.A. as Agent, document company of the Poste Italiane Group offering document management and communication services to support public and private companies, the tender announced by INPS (Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale – National Institute for Social Security), for a 4-year Framework Agreement concerning the “Service aimed at creating personalized and interactive videos.”

The total award amount is EUR 1.8 million, spread between 2023 and 2026, which is financed from the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP).

Sergio Muratori Casali, CEO of Doxee, commented, “We are proud to offer INPS our technological contribution and value through the development of digital communication projects that place the citizen at the center, with the aim of fostering better accessibility to the services offered, timeliness of the information and unique experiences of multi-channel interaction according to one’s profile and needs.”

Doxee Pvideo® technology combines the attractiveness of video format, the simplification of messages, and the use of direct and effective language facilitating the accessibility and use of digital services offered by the Public Administration, thus making the experience positive for the recipient. For Public Authorities, the digital transformation of communication will improve the delivery of services to citizens through simplified and more efficient processes.

“For us at Doxee – Muratori Casali continues – it is important to be among the protagonists of this strategic agreement, which is fully in line with the NRRP and is enriched by the important value contribution born from the close collaboration with Postel, which allows us to establish ourselves as an ideal reference partner in the complex processes of digitization of public bodies. Moreover, there is no doubt that the features of personalization and interactivity are factors that decisively differentiate our technology from traditional communication tools.

For some time now, Doxee and Postel have been collaborating with various Public Entities, for the implementation of several innovative projects dedicated to designing communications in personalized video format with customized content to enhance the information and services intended for individual users based on their specific needs.

The full version of this press release is available in the Investor Relations section and at

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